Al-‘Ilm al-Ladunniy fi Ḥikāyah al-Khidr wa Āthāruh al-Tarbawiyyah: Dirāsah Taḥlīliyyah li Āyāt Mukhtārah min Sūrah al-Kahf

Lukmanul Hakim, Mahir bin Ghazali


This study examines the phenomenon of Ladunni knowledge and its educational effects by using the narrative of Al-Khidr and what he did with the actions described in Surah Al-Kahf as a model for this knowledge. Following the elements in the story of al-Khidr and then referring to considered books of interpretations and peer-reviewed articles published in scientific publications, the research employs an inductive methodology. Additionally, the analytical method is used to classify the story's information and derive their appearances and wisdom. Among the most significant findings is that Ladunni knowledge is what Allah honors His servant for in terms of knowledge, and knowledge as a natural consequence of what he achieved in terms of a high degree of servitude to God Almighty alone, and then of its types mentioned in the Qur'an: inspiration and insight. These two categories are not exclusive to prophets; they are also attained by monotheists and those whom God has chosen for the utmost affairs. And that among the most important qualities of the worldly world are politeness with God and then politeness with creatures, and that these are among the highest qualities of the worldly world because they result in numerous educational effects that the worldly world contributes to consolidating among people.


Al-Khidr; Pious Science; Educational Effects; Surat al-Kahf

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