Chamisah Chamisah


This paper aims to highlight whether the data obtained by PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) and TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) survey is utility for the improvement of assessment in Indonesia. With regard to the data got from related literature it is found that there are some utilizes that Indonesian can learn from other countries such as Singapore to improve its assessment system in education, especially with regard to Ujian National (National Examination) that until today still becomes a big issue. Accordingly, there are five positive information that can be utilized and can be used as the strating point to build up good assessment in education system in Indonesia. First, about the system of conducting Ujian National. In term of that the government should pay attention on the ability of the students overall, not only in urban area but also in rural area. Second, about the environment. Here, the government should create a fair circumstance in examination setting. Third, about culture. Fourth, about time management. With regard to this the government should pay attention on the students schedule for preparing Ujian National. Finally, about administration system. Relating to this government should pay attention on the administration system to avoid corruption of time, cheating and many other problems.


TIMSS; PISA; education; assessment system; Ujian Nasional

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/aricis.v1i0.935


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