Salma Hayati


This paper illustrates the development of instrument implementation of PAKEM for teachers at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Islamic primary school). The Active, Creative, Effective and Fun Learning (Pembelajarn Aktif Kreatif Efektif dan Menyenangkan - PAKEM) is a learning approach that is implemented in Indonesiaas an effort for the success ofthe Indonesia’s teaching learning process. This instrument was developed from the literatures and some previous research instruments that have been tested to 169 teachers of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah as the samples. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to determine the Alpha Cronbach Value and the consistency instruments that are developed. The final instrument consisted of 21 items instruments and produced six factors, namely Penerapan Pendekatan Pembelajaran (implementation of learning approach), Perencanaan Kegiatan Pembelajaran (planning of learning activities), Perencanaan Alat dan Bahan Mengajar (planning of teaching tools), PerencanaanEvaluasi Pembelajaran (planning of learning evaluation), Kegiatan Pembelajaran (teaching activities) and Penerapan Evaluasi Pembelajaran (implementation of learning evaluation). The Alpha Cronbach value for the entire instrument is 0. 832 and ranged between 0777-0535. These results showed that PCA will help the researchers to complete the development of this instrument. Further research with more samples is required.


Validity; construct; instrumen; PCA; PAKEM

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