Sanusi Sanusi


Education in contemporary Islam has suffered degradation, not only on curriculum, teaching content, and teacher, but especially on philosophy as basis of its. This degradation mainly affected by colonialism. After reached independency, Muslim countries adopting Western education system. Western/modern Education has their own philosophy based on secular worldview and values. Western emphasize education to educate student to get competencies on academic and skill. Student is prepared to ready working, get income and contribute to develop country in achieving material prosperity. Those are not in line with Islamic principles of education. Islamic education is developed based on Tawhidic worldview and values. Its aims to educate student in all aspects integrally, including moral and spiritual. To solve the problem, al-Attas has proposed philosophy of Islamic education based on Ta’dib concept, not Tarbiyah. According al-Attas, Tarbiyah term not sufficient to represent education concept in Islam. It has similarity with term of Western education that derived from Latin term ‘educere’ which has physical and material things connotation. Ta’dib has not only physical and material things but moral and spiritual connotation all together. Islamic education will produce a good man. It is a man of adab, or the man who has incalculated by ta’dib.


Islamic education; tarbiyah; ta’dib; philosophy

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