Muhammad Yaser


It became an on-going dispute and never ending discussion since i was invited by Ministry of Religion, The Republic of Indonesia to perform Tilawah Langgam Jawa (Quran recitation in Javanese melody) in Presidential Palace to memorate the Isra Mi’raj of Muhammad pbuh. The opponent groups argue that Quran should, and without any exception, be delivered in majority acceptable melody (arabi) to avoid biases (bid'ah). On the other hand, reputable proponents support my arguments that Tilawah Langgam Jawa is also acceptable based on Islamic jurisprudence and local aesthetics. This paper is purpotedly to introduce Tilawah Langgam Jawa and to discuss deeply based on historical anthropology perspectives. The result of this research strongly suggests that the existence of Tilawah Langgam Jawa preceded Tilawah Arabi (Quran recitation in Arabic melody) long before. Refer to this result; it became a cultural fact that Javanese community were more familiar with Tilawah Langgam Jawa compare to other style. Based on anthropology approach, the result suggest that Tilawah Langgam Jawa is a 'model of' and 'model for' explaining the intimate interaction between Islam and culture during that time.


tilawah langgam jawa; islam; culture

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