Serulah manusia kepada jalan Tuhanmu dengan hikmah dan pelajaran yang baik dan berdiskusilah dengan mereka dengan cara yang baik pula. Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu Dialah yang lebih mengetahui tentang siapa yang tersesat dari jalan-Nya dan Dialah yang lebih mengetahui orang-orang yang mendapat petunjuk. (Q.S. al-Nahl ayat 125) Persoalan dakwah akhir-akhir ini kembali menjadi sorotan ketika ada oknum yang memasang tarif. Secara otomatis, bukan hanya itu akhir-akhir ini juru Dakwah, sering membicarakan persoalan yang berkaitan dengan khilifiah ( perbedaan Pendapat ) dalam perkara fiqih, perbuatan yang seperti ini dapat melunturkan nilai-nilai sakral yang ada pada dakwah. Dengan kata lain, dakwah sudah dijadikan sebagai ajang bisnis bukan lagi untuk menyatukan ummat dalam kehidupan yang rahmatan lil‘alamin.dilihat dari perkembangan zaman fenomena penyampaian Dakwah, cendrung memecahkan persatuan ummat, sementara itu jika melihat sejarah khilafiyah ( Perbedaan pendapat ) sudah turun menurun terjadi baik tentang, Ilmu Fiqih, Ilmu Hadist dan Ilmu-Ilmu lainnya.walaupun demikian tulisan ini tidak untuk mengkambing hitamkan faham golongan yang satu dengan faham golongan yang lain, tetapi pada prinsipnya mari menyatukan umat manusia untuk taat kepada tuhan dengan berbagai macam perbedaan yang ada.
Kata Kunci: Da‘wah, khilafiah.
Call upon the people to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good lessons and Discuss with them in a good way too. Your Lord is He who knows more about who strayed from His path and He knows best those who receive guidance. (Surat al-Nahl verse 125) The issue of propaganda lately come back into the spotlight when there is a person who put up the tariff. Automatically, not just that lately interpreter Da'wa, often discuss issues relating to khilifiah (difference Opinions) in the case of jurisprudence, acts like this can fade the sacred values that exist in propaganda. In other words, propaganda has been used as a forum to bring together the business community is no longer in life that rahmatan lil'alamin.dilihat of the times penyampaikan Dakwah phenomenon, tends to break the unity of the ummah, while if you see history khilafiah (Dissent) is hereditary occurred either on Science, Fiqh, Hadith Sciences and Sciences lainnya.walaupun Thus this paper is not to scapegoat one group ideology with the ideology of the other groups, but in principle, let's unite mankind to obey God with various differences.
Keywords: Da'wah, khilafiah.
Kata Kunci: Da‘wah, khilafiah.
Call upon the people to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good lessons and Discuss with them in a good way too. Your Lord is He who knows more about who strayed from His path and He knows best those who receive guidance. (Surat al-Nahl verse 125) The issue of propaganda lately come back into the spotlight when there is a person who put up the tariff. Automatically, not just that lately interpreter Da'wa, often discuss issues relating to khilifiah (difference Opinions) in the case of jurisprudence, acts like this can fade the sacred values that exist in propaganda. In other words, propaganda has been used as a forum to bring together the business community is no longer in life that rahmatan lil'alamin.dilihat of the times penyampaikan Dakwah phenomenon, tends to break the unity of the ummah, while if you see history khilafiah (Dissent) is hereditary occurred either on Science, Fiqh, Hadith Sciences and Sciences lainnya.walaupun Thus this paper is not to scapegoat one group ideology with the ideology of the other groups, but in principle, let's unite mankind to obey God with various differences.
Keywords: Da'wah, khilafiah.
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/albayan.v21i32.423
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Jurnal Al-Bayan: Media Kajian dan Pengembangan Ilmu Dakwah. Published by Center for Research and Community Service (LP2M) and Faculty of Da'wah And Communication, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia.
P-ISSN: 1411-5743
E-ISSN: 2549-1636
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