Azriyatun Rizqa, Nuralam Syamsuddin, Khusnu Safrina


Mathematical spatial ability is one of the important things in learning mathematics. This ability will make it easier for students in the learning process on Geometry material. This research aims to describe the mathematical spatial abilities of MAN 4 Aceh Besar students in terms of gender differences in solving distance problems between cube elements in the third dimension. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research type. The research subjects were 2 male students and 2 female students based on mathematical spatial abilities. Data collection techniques were carried out by writing spatial ability tests and conducting interviews. Data analysis techniques by reducing data, presenting data, and making conclusions. The data validity checking technique uses source triangulation. The results of the research show that male and female students can both go through the stages of mathematical spatial indicators well. It can be concluded that the mathematical spatial abilities of male and female students are both good, but there are differences between the two in solving three-dimensional problems, female students are more thorough and more complete and take longer than male students who solve problems practically, briefly and fast.

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