Faiza Maulidia, Atika Fakhriza, Elvina Elvina


Adaptation is important for students when starting education, especially because they have to interact with many people and comply with school regulations. Factors such as academic pressure,changes in the social environment, and personal problems can hinder a student's ability to adapt. In overcoming this challenge, group counseling services are important, with the Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) approach as one effective solution. This research aims to evaluate the impact of implementing group counseling services using REBT techniques on increasing students' adjustment abilities. This research method uses a quantitative method with a true experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design. Data was collected through student adjustment instruments and measured before and after providing group counseling services. The observation results showed a significant increase in students' adjustment abilities after the group counseling intervention. Monitoring results also show positive changes in students' irrational beliefs and a decrease in the number of problems students experience. This article discusses the concept of groupcounseling and the REBT approach, as well as the benefits and advantages of group counseling. The research results showed that group counseling services using the REBT technique were successful in increasing students' ability to adapt. This article has important implications in improving the quality of counseling services in educational settings. This research concludes that group counseling with the REBT approach is effective in improving students' adjustment abilities. The implications of this research provide conceptual and practical contributions in counseling strategies to improve students'psychological well-being at school

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22374/es.v1i1.26507


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