The Influence of Truth or Dare Games on Shaping Students' Character

Maghfirati Insani, Mukhlis Mukhlis, Evi Zuhara


Honest character is defined as admitting, saying or providing information that is in accordance with reality and truth. Field phenomena related to students' honest character based on the results of interviews with guidance and counseling teachers both in class and outside of class, such as students cheating on tests, not paying when taking food from the canteen, not confessing when taking things, permission to go to the bathroom but not actually going to the bathroom. to the canteen, throwing rubbish carelessly. The condition of student dishonesty at school cannot be left alone, but efforts are needed to instill that dishonest character is bad behavior. The research aims to find out the influence of group guidance services using the Truth or Dare game media in shaping student character. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. The subjects in this research were 1 teacher and 8 students. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that honest character can be formed through truth or dare media. This is marked by changes in behavior in students, such as students who do not lie, are able to admit mistakes, and no longer cheat in class.

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