Analysis of Factors Influencing Academic Stress Among Counseling Guidance Students at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Maulidya Harza, Sastri Aptalara, Elviana Elviana


In their daily lives, students, especially guidance and counseling students, take part in many campus activities, such as lectures, field practicums, skills practicums. Academic stress is often experienced by students because of the many academic demands that sometimes exceed the individual's abilities. Many factors can cause academic stress in students. This research aims to identify factors that influence academic stress in counseling guidance students. This research is qualitative research with a structured interview method. This research used questionnaire data collection and interviews with 6 respondents. The search results show that academic stress is influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors consist of self-efficacy, hardiness, optimism, achievement motivation, and procrastination, while external factors consist of social support.

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