Principal Strategies for Maintaining Academic Culture at SMAS Babul Maghfirah Aceh Besar

Nurussalami Nurussalami, Raudhatul Jannah


The principal, as an educational leader, bears a significant responsibility in guidingand managing various aspects of the school, including the academic culture. Theprincipal must be able to formulate and implement effective strategies to ensure thatexisting academic values are maintained and continuously developed. Thesestrategies not only focus on administrative aspects but also encompass approachesthat can motivate and inspire the entire school community. The purpose of thisresearch is to understand the strategies employed by the principal in maintainingthe academic culture at SMAS Babul Maghfirah Aceh Besar. This study uses aqualitative method with a descriptive analytical approach. The subjects of this studyare the principal, curriculum deputy, and teachers. Data collection techniquesinvolve observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this studyindicate that the formulation of strategies by the principal in maintaining theacademic culture at SMAS Babul Maghfirah Aceh Besar (1) Through theseformulated strategies, the principal can maintain and even strengthen the existingacademic culture, thereby creating an excellent and high-achieving educationalenvironment. (2) The implementation of the principal's strategies at SMAS BabulMaghfirah Aceh Besar has successfully maintained and strengthened the existingacademic culture. Through a comprehensive and planned approach, the principalhas been able to create a supportive educational environment for achievingacademic success and developing student character. (3) Evaluation shows that theprincipal's strategies in maintaining the academic culture at SMAS BabulMaghfirah Aceh Besar have successfully met the expected objectives. However,this success must be continually maintained through ongoing commitment,adaptation to change, and active involvement from the entire school community.Thus, SMAS Babul Maghfirah Aceh Besar can continue to be an excellent and highachieving educational institution.

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