The Relationship between Peer Conformity and Aggressive Behavior in Baitussalam 1 Middle School Students

Raudhatul Munawwarah, Nur Syahira Agustina, Elvina Elviana


This study aims to analyze the relationship between peer conformity and aggressive behavior in adolescents at SMP 1 Baitussalam. Peer conformity, which involves an individual's tendency to conform to the norms and behavior of a peer group, is considered as the independent variable, while aggressive behavior is the dependent variable. This study used a quantitative approach with survey methods, involving 20 students from grades 8-3. The instrument used is a questionnaire that measures the level of peer conformity and aggressive behavior. The results of descriptive analysis show that the average peer conformity score is in the high category, while the average aggressive behavior score is in the medium category. Pearson correlation analysis revealed a significant positive relationship between peer conformity and aggressive behavior (r = 0.45, p < 0.05). These findings indicate that students with higher levels of conformity tend to show higher levels of aggressive behavior. The results of this study are consistent with previous findings showing the influence of peer conformity on adolescent aggressive behavior. The practical implications of this research suggest that interventions targeting peer conformity can be an effective strategy for reducing aggressive behavior in adolescents. However, this study has limitations, including a small sample and not considering other factors such as family environment and media. Therefore, further research with larger samples and a more comprehensive approach is needed to strengthen these findings and develop more effective intervention strategies.

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