The Influence of the Quick On The Draw Learning Model on the Mathematical Communication Skills of Junior High School Students.

Thia Mareta Izmi, Burhanuddin AGi, Vina Apriliani


The Quick On The Draw model is a learning approach that emphasizes collaboration and student engagement in searching for, answering, and conveying information through games aimed at group dynamics and speed. Therefore, the researcher aims to investigate the effect of the Quick On The Draw learning model on the mathematical communication skills of students at SMP Negeri 2 Longkib. The objective of this study is to compare the mathematical communication skills of students taught using the Quick On The Draw model with those taught using conventional methods. The research design employs a quasi-experimental approach with a Pre-Test Post-Test Control Group Design. The population consists of all seventh-grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Longkib, while the sample is selected through simple random sampling, specifically classes VII A (experimental) and VII B (control). Data is collected using test sheets and analyzed using independent t-tests. The results indicate that the mathematical communication skills of students taught with the Quick On The Draw model are superior to those taught with conventional methods in the topic of Sets for seventh-grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Longkib.

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