Yudhi Firmansyah, M. Duskri, Kamarullah Kamarullah


Technological developments in the 21st century require the education system in Indonesia to be able to adapt to the times to improve the quality of education. One form of adjustment is to change the conventional learning system to be more flexible. Efforts to adapt to the times are by presenting learning videos. This study aims to determine the process and results of developing a contextual-based mathematics learning video for junior high school students that is valid and practical. The research was conducted with the Thiagarajan 4D development model covering definition, design, development and deployment. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the learning videos developed are valid and practical. The expert validation stage obtained very good criteria with a percentage of 91.83% suitable for use. The results of practicality testing with students obtained a practicality level with a positive percentage of 87.5% which is very practical. Meanwhile, the students obtained the level of practicality with a positive percentage of 80.85% which is very practical.

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