
The Al-Qur'an Reading and Writing Program or often called BTQ is very important to do, especially for early childhood. The development of the era is increasingly advanced and developing, in fact, the ability to read and write the Koran for early childhood in schools and Islamic boarding schools is getting worse. Therefore the need for TPQ learning for every student in the place of recitation, school or Islamic boarding school. TPA Ar-Rasyid is one of the TPAs located in Gampong Blang Weu Panjoe Lhokseumawe, it is known that many students at the TPA are still lacking in terms of reading and writing the Qur'an and must continue to be implemented so that students at TPA Ar-Rasyid because of the implementation of BTQ learning will give a big influence in improving the ability to read and write the Qur'an. The BTQ program is carried out by means of active learning by students (active learning), where this model of learning used is more student-centered, and the ustazah acts as a guide in the process. Santri are grouped into groups based on their BTQ abilities, including a group that can read, a group that can read but is not fluent and a group that cannot read. Each group uses a different method, namely the an-Nadhiyah method, the Iqra method, and the Qiro'ati method. The results of the study showed that by dividing the groups based on the ability to read and write the Koran, it was categorized as successful, as seen from the previous students who had not been able to become competent at all, students who could already read and write the Qur'an became more able, students who were already able to but it's not fluent yet to become fluent after taking BTQ.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22374/es.v1i1.26537


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