Development of Investigation Based Multiple Representation (IBMR) LKPD on Straight Motion Material for Grade X SMA/MA

M Maulana Irfandi, Abd Mujahid Hamdan, Zahriah zahriah


The development of LKPD (Student Worksheets) based on Investigation Based Multiple Representation (IBMR) for straight motion material at the SMA/MA Grade X level is motivated by a needs analysis of students. Based on this needs analysis, it was found that there is a lack of media used in physics learning activities, especially in straight motion material, which causes students to struggle to understand the subject matter. This study aims to describe the design of LKPD based on IBMR in straight motion material and to assess the feasibility level of the LKPD based on IBMR in straight motion material. This research is a type of development research using the 4D research model. The subjects of the study include media experts, content experts, and learning device experts. The data collection instrument used in this research is an expert validation sheet. The results of the feasibility percentage from the media expert were 74%, categorized as feasible, while the feasibility percentage from the content expert was 97.33%, categorized as very feasible, and the validation result from the learning device expert showed a percentage of 89.35%, categorized as very feasible. Thus, it can be concluded that the LKPD based on IBMR (Investigation Based Multiple Representation) for straight motion material at the SMA/MA Grade X level is categorized as very feasible for use.

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