Zikrayanti Zikrayanti, Wardatul Humairah


To achieve and transform their society become good reader on their institution in digital aged, The Main Library of University Syiah Kuala using social media to promote collections and services with hope that will be easier to reach all students and attract them to visit library and become good reader. The main Library of University Syiah Kuala used ones of
social media “Instagram” to promote and attract visitors to come, read and borrow books in the library since February 6, 2016, with the username @perpustakaan_usk, until now the number of followers it has reach 11,700 followers with 2,315 posts. The aims of this paper to explore books promotion through Instagram to attract user on books borrowing at the Main Library of University Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh. This study used qualitative method to gather the data. Interview conducted with ten users who is followed The Main Library of University Syiah Kuala on Instagram account. Based on the finding shows that the books promotion
through Instagram to attract user on books borrowing at the Main Library of University Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh has a good influence toward user. The promotion through Instagram makes it easy for users to find books/collections, facilities provided, and making it easier for users to know about the information they needed as well.

Keywords: Books promotion, Instagram, and Syiah Kuala University

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