Al Mawardi, Isnaini Isnaini, Nurdan Nurdan, Maulidin Iqbal


Zakat is a potential source of funds that can be used to build the independence and welfare of the poor. In practice, there are still many mustahiq who consider zakat as a free gift and are not responsible for its distribution. Based on the initial survey, it was known that the distribution of zakat in Baitul Mal was still not in proper use, and was still less productive, so it was assumed as an institution that was less active in empowerment the economy of the poor (mustahiq). Seeing these problems, the authors are interested in knowing the role of the ’amil zakat institution, especially Baitul Mal Lhokseumawe in an effort to empower the mustahiq zakat economy through a study of strategies for optimizing the distribution of productive zakat in Lhokseumawe City. This study aimed to determine the role of Baitul Mal Lhokseumawe in improving and empowering the economy of mustahiq through optimizing the distribution of productive zakat. While the target of this activity was to increase the independence and economic welfare of the poor, through a study on the optimization in distribution practices of zakat produktif at Baitul Mal Lhokseumawe. To achieve these objectives, a descriptive qualitative approach was used with observation, interviews and documentation techniques. Meanwhile, data analysis was carried out through the methods of collection, reduction, display, and conclusion. As an amil zakat institution, Baitul Mal actively empowered the economy of the poor in Lhokseumawe City by always coordinatingwithBMGandimplementingtransparent,professionalandaccountablezakat management. In an effort to optimize the distribution of productive zakat, in addition to providing business capital in cash to micro and medium entrepreneurs which amount to 1 million and 4 million per year, respectively, the Baitul Mal also oftened provides guidance in terms of the utilization of zakat funds for mustahiq. However, in the process of distributing zakat, BMG oftened faces complaints and criticism from the public, especially in terms of mustahiq zakat and an amount of zakat.

Keywords:Role, Existence, Baitul Mal, Optimization, Distribution,andProductive Zakat

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