KUALA BATEE AND THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES INVANTION IN ACEH (Kuala Batee dan Sejarah Invansi Amerika Serikat di Aceh)

Jovial Pally Taran, Rahmad Syah Putra


This study aims to describe the dark history of the United States invasion in 1832 CE through archaeological remains found in the Kingdom of Kuala Batee. The research method used is qualitative research methods with in-depth analysis techniques. The results of the research prove that the United States Invasion in 1832 CE, had destroyed the Kingdom of Kuala Batee which had advanced in its time with its black pepper trade. Black pepper also became the main target for Europeans and the United States at that time. The attacks carried out by the United States have left the archaeological remains of the Kuasla Batee Kingdom, as a silent witness to the progress and destruction of an empire.


Keywords: Kuala Batee, Kingdom, United States, Invasion

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