Ikbal Husni, Raqsan Jani, Muthakin Muthakin


Aceh is one of the provinces in Indonesia. In the history of independence, Aceh has had considerable services, so the first president of the Republic of Indonesia dubbed Aceh as the capital of Indonesia. Although half of the story of Aceh's journey is a story about war and conflict, on the sidelines of the conflict there are a number of stories about the peace that was sought by both parties, such as the lamteh pledge, the humanitarian break, the Tokyo agreement, and some of these peace endings with a violation of the agreement between the parties. both, so that the tsunami hit the plains of the Veranda of Mecca on December 26, 2004, which opened the eyes and the way for jointly seeking a ceasefire and the last one with a mutual agreement, namely the MOU of Helsingki which was mutually agreed on August 15, 2005. This has become a big bridge for the people of Aceh to achieve lasting peace.

Keywords: Aceh, Conflict, and Peace

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