Desain Pemerintahan Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara dalam Tinjauan Otonomi Daerah di Indonesia
This research examines the issue of the governance design of the Nusantara Capital Authority, which is established within Law Number 21 of 2023 concerning amendments to Law Number 3 of 2023 regarding the State Capital. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the governance design of the Nusantara Capital Authority aligns with regional autonomy and to formulate the concept of the Nusantara Capital Authority's future governance design. This research is a normative juridical study with a legal and conceptual approach, utilizing secondary data such as primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials.The study reveals that the governance design established within the IKN Law as a special regional government for the Nusantara Capital Authority is not in line with the principles of regional autonomy. Therefore, the Nusantara Capital Authority cannot be considered a special regional government. In other words, the Nusantara Capital Authority cannot independently manage its governmental affairs, as is the case with autonomous regions. Due to the inconsistency in the governance structure of the Nusantara Capital Authority, the author suggests an alternative concept for its governance design, considering it as an administrative region with a status as a Special Zone. Through this design, the Nusantara Capital Authority would have the authority to carry out preparations, development, and the relocation of the State Capital. Hence, there is a need for an amendment to the IKN Law since the current amendment does not change the governance design of the Nusantara Capital Authority and still maintains its status as a special region, despite not aligning with the principles of regional autonomy.
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