Azas Psikologis Pengembangan Kurikulum: Suatu Analisis Komparatif

suraiya suraiya, Zubaidah Zubaidah


Abstract   : Since curriculum is crucial, its development must be based on certain principles. Psychology is one of the important principles in curriculum development because students have unique characteristics that are different from one another. These differences include interests, talents and developmental periods as well as ways of learning. The curriculum must pay attention to the condition of students including how they develop and how they learn. The psychological aspects that underlie curriculum development are developmental psychology and learning psychology. Developmental psychology examines the nature of development, stages of development, aspects of development, tasks of individual development and other matters relating to individual development, all of which must be taken into consideration in curriculum development. Meanwhile, by understanding the psychology of learning, curriculum developers will understand which learning models or approaches are appropriate and can provide optimal results, and how the process is implemented to provide optimal results. Learning theories such as cognitive, behavioristic, constructivist and humanistic theories are also important points to consider. Each learning theory has its own strengths and weaknesses. This is understandable because the originators of the theory focus on aspects that they consider important, in addition to the research they have conducted regarding how humans learn. One thing to note that each theory will be meaningful if it is applied to certain aspects that are appropriate to the fields and stages of student development.


Psychological Foundation, Curriculum Development, Developmental Psychology, Learning Psychology, Learning Theory


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