Al-Buti's Thoughts on Maslāhah and Its Application in the Fatwa of World Fatwa Institutions

Abdurrahman Dahlan, Bagus Haziratul Qodsiyah, Azizah Azizah, Asmawi Asmawi, Djawahir Hejazziey


This study aims to explore and analyze al-Buti's thoughts on maslahah (public interest) and its application issued by world-prominent Fatwa Institutions, namely Ḍār al-Iftā al-Miṣriyah in Egypt, Ḍār al-Iftā al-‘Irāqiyah in Iraq, and al-Majlis al-Islamī al-Sūrī in Syria. The research adopts a normative method, employing conceptual, literary, and sociological approaches that is analyzed descriptively. The findings of this research focus on the application of al-Buti's concept of maṣlaḥah to the online marriage contract fatwas issued by the aforementioned Fatwa Institutions. The results indicate that these fatwas do not align with a credible interpretation of maṣlaḥah within Islamic law. Further, it can be seen that two key points support this conclusion: (i) they contradict the maqāṣid sharī'ah (objectives of Islamic law), particularly the highest objective of preserving religion (hiẓ al-dīn), and (ii) the urgency of maṣlaḥah in the context of online marriage contracts varies and cannot be universally applied. This research contributes to the enhancement of fatwa decision-making processes in Indonesia.


Online marriage fatwa, maslāhah Al-Buti, world fatwa institutions

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