Syarifah Sungai Raya Aceh Timur: Marriage and the Struggle to Find Identity

Budi Juliandi, Zulfikar Zulfikar, Syarifah Mudrika


Every society has its own characteristics and identity that distinguish them from the others. Their diverse backgrounds form different views. This study explores the struggle to find Syarifah's identity in Sungai Raya Aceh Timur, related to their marriage. This study is an empirical legal research that examines the application of law in the reality of society. The data collection technique used is by conducting in-depth interviews, observations and literature studies related to the discussion of marriage. This study concludes that most Syarifah Sungai Raya believe in the doctrine of Sayyid-Sharifah endogamy marriage. However, some cannot deny the fact that exogamous marriages also occur. The doctrine of endogamous marriage raises a new awareness of their identity as zurriyyat of the Prophet PBUH. Because of this, exogamous marriage is a last resort when the goal of endogamous marriage cannot be met.


Exogamy, endogamy, Syarifah, Sungai Raya, identity

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Interview was conducted at his home in Labuhan Kede Sungai Raya East Aceh, March 24, 2021.

Interview with Ahmad Syukri, an observer of Langkat Malay Culture in Medan Monday, March 1, 2021.

Interview with Sayyid Muhammad bin Ali who referred to as the 5th generation of Sayyid Aqil Shahab the First King/Lord of Sungai Raya, April 4, 2021.

Interview with Syarifah Fauziati, a midwife who opens a clinic at her home in Sungai Raya, March 8, 2021.

Interview with Syarifah Hafizah, in Labuhan Kede Sungai Raya Aceh Timur, March, 8-12, 2021.

Interview with Syarifah Maisarah in Labuhan Kede Sungai Raya Aceh Timur, March, 8-12, 2021.

Interview with Syarifah Salwa, in Labuhan Kede Sungai Raya Aceh Timur, March, 8-12, 2021.

Interview with Syarifah Surayya, in Labuhan Kede Sungai Raya Aceh Timur, March, 8-12, 2021.

Interview with the former Chief of the Sungai Raya Police, Mr. Raja Bangsawan, March 18, 2021.



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