Focus and Scope

Justisia is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by Law Department, Sharia and Law Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

Justisia in countries that adhere to the civil law system, common law, socialist law in general, especially the law that applies in Indonesia by emphasizing the theories of legal norms in practice that develop through publications articles and book reviews.

This Justisa Journal specializes in studying legal theory and practice in countries that follow the legal systems of continental europe and anglo saxon and is intended to reveal current research and issues, this journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars from related fields who consider the following general topics:

  • Civil Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Politics of Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • State Administrative Law
  • Legislation
  • Economic Law
  • Customary Law and Religious Values
  • Sociology and Legal Anthropology