Zarina Akbar, Murti Kusuma WIrasti, Maratini Shaliha Aisyawati, Devia Sokaarru Ristindra, Qurotta Aini, Elsha Cahyani Fadli


Bullying is an oppressive behavior carried out repeatedly by perpetrators who are
usually stronger than the victims and it often has negative impacts on both the perpetrators
and the victims. Cases of bullying in schools are increasing every year, indicating that the
current handling of the problem of bullying has not been comprehensive and complete. In
bullying situations, apart from perpetrators and victims, there are also other roles in it,
namely observers. Often, the handling or prevention of bullying is more focused on victims
and perpetrators, even though the third parties have the possibility to play an important role
in preventing bullying. Most bullying prevention programs are only directed at the
perpetrators and victims of bullying. In this article, the authors propose an anti-bullying
application for junior high school students, named antibully. id. This application provides
psychological-based bullying education and prevention programs for perpetrators, victims,
and observers of bullying. The programs in the application are expected to be able to help the
trauma recovery process for victims, help perpetrators manage their emotions, and educate
observers about bullying behavior to reduce bullying cases in schools.


Bullying; Anti-bullying app; Student

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