Tentrem Basuki, Khayatun Nufus Akhsania, DYP Sugiharto, Muhammad Japar


This study discusses psychology for students in Islamic boarding schools who have taken psychological tests and who have never taken a psychological test. The research method used is a comparison of research with data analysis of comparative test Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy Scale between students who have taken a psychological test and who have never received a psychological test at a boarding school. Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory uses work theory, while the sample in this study uses cluster random sampling with a total of students (N = 22). Data collection was carried out through a direct survey consisting of 25 question items about self efficacy. The results of the t-test different test analysis showed no significant difference between students who had received a psychological test and who had never taken a psychological test in junior high school students in a boarding school based school. With the results of IQ tests (t (22) = 1,076, p> 0.05), aptitude tests (t (22) = 1,731, p> 0.05) and, interest tests (t (22) = 1,137, p> 0 , 05). These results indicate that there is no significant difference between students who take psychological tests who take IQ, aptitude, and interest tests, and who have never taken a psychological test, one of the contributing factors is representing irregular beliefs or relationships with what is on almighty will in providing sustenance, as long as his servant wants to succeed.


self efficacy; junior high school students; Islamic boarding school; psychological test;

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22373/je.v6i1.5422


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