Pengaruh Kadar Timbal (Pb) Terhadap Kerapatan Stomata Dan Kandungan Klorofil Pada Glodokan (Polyalthia Longifolia Sonn) Sebagai Peneduh Kota Di Langsa

Suhaimi Suhaimi


Influence levels of lead (Pb) in plants glodokan (Polyalthia longifolia
Sonn) against the density of stomata and chlorophyll was strongly influenced by differences in the number of motor vehicles and physical factors contained in Langsa. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors influencing the accumulation of lead (Pb) in the three streets in the city this Langsa. This research implemented in March 2014, analyzed at the Center for Research and Standard, tissue culture USU (Universitas Sumatera Utara) Medan. The research location is determined by using the method Purpasive Radom Sampling at the third street, namely: Jalan A. Yani, Jalan Sudirman and Jalan Medan B.Aceh. On the road A. Yani biggest influence is a motorcycle with a number of 4384 units, with the accumulation of lead (Pb) <0,02 - 0,20mg / l, the average - average temperature of 30.11 °C, 74.49% humidity, light intensity Luxmeter 1126.6. Stomata density of 0.876 to 1.270 (n / mm2) and total chlorophyll content with 10.82 to 31.63 mg / L. In the Sudirman biggest influence is a motorcycle with a number of 5540 units, with the average - average temperature of 31.42 °C, 74.44% humidity, light intensity Luxmeter 5813.3, test results Lead levels <0.02 - 0.16mg / L, levels degan total chlorophyll from 11.44 to 28.72 mg / L, keraptan stomata 0.919 to 1.401 (n / mm2) and at the Terrain B.Aceh influence also the biggest motorcycle with the number of 143 836 units, the average - average temperature of 31.44 °C 68.4% humidity, light intensity Luxmeter 78.00, assay results Lead (Pb) 0,07- 0,35mg / l, stomatal density of 0.832 to 1.226 (n / mm2) and total chlorophyll content with 8,37- 19.23 mg / L.


City Road; Polyalthia longifolia Sonn; Lead

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