SCOPUS Citation Analysis

Source: SCOPUS Database

Last updated July 23, 2020, 17.17 PM GMT+7

Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology has been cited at least  11 times at the Scopus database since the first publication in 2015.

Citation detail:

  • 2015 <3>
  • 2016 <1>
  • 2017 <3>
  • 2018 <4>

Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology name search variations:

  1. Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology
  2. Elkawnie
  3. Journal of Islamic Science and Technology
  4. J. Islam. Sci. Technol
No Document title  Authors  Year  Source  Cited by  Article
1 Characteristics of Microstructure of Active Carbon in Shell and Mangrove Wood Masthura, Zulkarnain  2018 Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology
Chemical composition and physical characteristics of coal and mangrove wood as alternative fuel
Rahman, R., Widodo, S., Azikin, B., Tahir, D.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
2 Characterization of Activated Carbon Microstructure of Coconut Shell and Mangrove Wood Masthura, Zulkarnain, P. 2018 

Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology

4, pp. 45-54 
1. Organoleptic test analysis and effect of liquid smoke concentration on smoked fish
Hadanu, R., Lomo, C.P.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

2. The Production of Activated Carbon from Indonesian Mangrove Charcoal
Budianto, A., Kusdarini, E., Effendi, S.S.W., Aziz, M.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

3 Analisis Ekstrak Etanol Tangkai Daun Buasbuas (Premna pubescens) Menggunakan Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrophotometer (GCMS) DS Diningrat, M Restuati, K Kusdianti, AN Sari, E Marwani  2018   Elkawnie 4(1):1-12 Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Activity Coix lacryma-jobi Oil
Diky Setya Diningrat · Marsal Risfandi · Novita Sari Harahap · Ayu Nirmala Sari · Kusdianti · Henny Kharina Siregar
J Plant Biotechnol 2020;47:100-106
4 Effect of lead (Pb) levels on stomata density and chlorophyll content in glodokan (Polyalthia longifolia Sonn) as a shade in Langsa City Suhaimi 2017

Journal of Islamic Science and Technology

3(1), pp. 99-110

The effect of motorized vehicle emission toward lead accumulation and rice productivity alongside the uphill of Paguyangan main road, Brebes Regency
Yulianto, A., Anwar, A.H.S., Sakhidin, Herliana, O.
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management
6(3), pp. 1803-1810
5 Degradasi Zat Warn Malachite Green Secara Ozonolisis Dengan Penambahan Katalis TiO2-anatase dan ZnO  Bhernama 2017   

Journal of Islamic Science and Technology

 1 Study Photodegradation of Acid Orange 7 Using ZnO Waste Batteries
Hasri, Sugiarti, Sadriadi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
6 Identifikasi daging buah kopi robusta (coffea robusta) berasal Dari provinsi aceh Harahap, M.R. 2017

Journal of Islamic Science and Technology

3(2), pp. 201-210
1 The application of activated carbon from coconut shell and zeolite as adsorbents on coffee decaffeination using the Swiss Water Process (SWP)
Saloko, S., Sulastri, Y., Murad, Wahyuni, S.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
7 Penentuan Tingkat Kebisingan Pada Area Pengolahan Sekam Padi, Siltstone Crusher, Cooler Dan Power Plant Pada Pt Lafarge Cement Indonesia-Lhoknga Plant Juliansyah, H. 2016

J. Islam. Sci. Technol

2, pp. 127-142

 1 Noise investigation in a small muffler industry in Purbalingga, Indonesia
Risvianni, A., Krisnawati, M., Imran, R.A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
8 Degradasi Zat Warna Metil Yellow Secara Fotolisis dan Penyinaran Matahari Dengan penambahan Katalis TiO2-anatase dan SnO2 Bhernama, B.G., Safni, S 2015   

Journal of Islamic Science and Technology

1(1), pp. 49-62
 1 Color and COD degradation in photocatalytic process of procion red by using TiO2 catalyst under solar irradiation
Sari, M.I., Agustina, T.E., Melwita, E., Aprianti, T.
AIP Conference Proceedings
9 Green materials in traditional housing: A local wisdom lesson  Fakriah, N. 2015   

Journal of Islamic Science and Technology

1, pp. 81-86
1.Transformation of function, form, zoning, circulation and material of Rumoh Aceh "study of Aceh traditional architecture in Montasik sub-district, Aceh Besar"
Azzahra, F., Sahriyadi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

2. The role of culture in implementing the concept of sustainability
Bakri, M.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science

Source: SpringerLink Database

Last updated July 23, 2020, 17.27 PM GMT+7

Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology has been cited at least  1 time at the SpringerLink database since the first publication in 2015.

Citation detail:

  • 2018 <1>

Elkawnie: Journal of Islamic Science and Technology name search variations:

  1. Elkawnie J Islam Sci Technol
No Document title  Authors  Year  Source  Cited by  Article
1 Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Nanokistral Selulosa Dari Tandan Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jack) E Putri, S Gea  2018 Elkawnie J Islam Sci Technol 4(1):13–22

Research mapping of Indonesia nano-lignocellulose fiber studies and its potential for industrial application
Achmad Solikhin, Agy Wirabudi Pranata, Tamyizul Muchtar, Shigiheko Suzuki, Yoichi Kojima & Hikaru Kobori
SN Applied Sciences volume 2, Article number: 564 (2020)