The effect of project-based learning in developing naturalist intelligence in children

Faizatul Faridy, Aulia Rohendi


The existence of plastic waste has long been a conversation that never ends. Although there have been many movements and solutions for handling it, in fact Indonesia is still the largest waste contributor after China. The lack of awareness, concern and ability of our society in managing waste are considered as the causes of the increase of our waste every year. So it is considered necessary to prepare a better generation by providing stimulation and good habituation to the younger generation so that they can become the next generation that will be more environmentally literate. This study aims to see how the impact of the project-based learning approach in developing naturalist intelligence in early childhood. The research used quantitative method (a quasi-experimental design). The sample in this study was 24 early childhood children, with details of the experimental class 10 children, and the control class 14 children. Data collection was performed by using observation sheets and documentation and consequently the data was analyzed statistically using the T-test. As the result, the study found that the project approach increased the naturalist intelligence score of early childhood by 64%. The highest percentage of changes in children's value is in recycling activities: children are very enthusiastic about being directly involved in the process and can channel their ideas and energy in producing works. It can be concluded that the project-based learning approach affects children's naturalist intelligence and can be used as a learning approach in developing children's naturalist intelligence. 


Project-based learning, naturalistic intelligence, learning approach, 3R

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