Joko Prayudha S.


The COVID-19 pandemic has been around the world for almost two years. Many human activities have been carried out in different ways since the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, one of which is in the field of education. Learning during the pandemic is carried out online so that it has caused various obstacles in its implementation. However, recently the government
has allowed some schools to carry out face-to-face learning despite very strict health protocols. However, this does not mean that learning in schools can be carried out freely as before before the COVID-19 pandemic, many things have been adapted from this pandemic in learning after the pandemic. This study aims to determine the teacher's strategy in developing student interest in learning after the COVID-19 pandemic in Islamic schools. The research was carried out using a qualitative method using a descriptive approach to examine the strategies that teachers apply when studying in order to develop students' interest in
learning after the covid 19 pandemic. Data were collected by giving direct interviews to ten teachers at Mts Al-Hadi. The results of the study show that teachers have prepared themselves with new knowledge about the strategies they will use in teaching after the covid 19 pandemic. Teachers have also used various strategies to improve students' sense of learning while studying after the covid 19 pandemic.

Keywords: Strategy, Learning Interest, Covid 19 Pandemic, and Islamic school

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