Journal History

The History of Lantanida Journal was started by Chemistry Education Department of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. As a form of institutional commitment to the tri dharma of higher education for lecturers. Lecturer needs to publish the research in formed of an article or journal. The former of Lantanida Journal was created to accomodate the lecturer research. Lantanida Journal was registered in LIPI, on July 2014 and the online version was registered, on January 2017. Nowdays, Lantanida Journal is not only for lecturer but also accomodate the article from teacher, student and researcher worldwide.

This journal is named Lantanida Journal. The name of Lantanida itself comes from the group of transition elements on Chemistry. Lantanida Journal was formed in 2013, and began releasing the first time with registered status in LIPI was Volume 2 Number 2, on July 2014.