Analisis dan Evaluasi Implementasi Pengelolaan Kepemilikan Umum dan Kepemilikan Negara di Indonesia (dengan Pendekatan Madzhab Hamfara)

Siti Murtiyani, Dwi Condro Triono, Hery Sasono, Hanifah Zahra


This study aims to analyze and critically evaluate the implementation of the management of public ownership ( Milkiyah ' ammah ) and State ownership (Milkiyah Daulah ) in Indonesia. In this study describes a qualitative descriptive about the implementation of the management of public ownership and state ownership are currently run in Indonesia. Theoretical approaches used to approach the Islamic Economic System Madzhab Hamfara (Hadza Min fadzli Rabbi) who critically evaluate the implementation of the common wealth management and wealth of the State of Indonesia. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from Madzhab Hamfara books, literature, journal and information relating to the Indonesian State assets management system. Data collection techniques used are Library Research then conduct a comparative analysis of the implementation of the common wealth management and wealth of the State of Indonesia. Research results that the management of public ownership and management of State ownership is not in accordance with the ownership management approach Madzhab Hamfara Islamic Economic System. The evidence suggests that public ownership and state ownership is not fully managed by the State of Indonesia, it is seen that the common ownership in the form of water, fire and pastures are managed by individuals and institutions as well as foreign parties who have the capital to privatize public ownership. This will have an impact on the unequal distribution of income earned by the Society who have the capital and who do not have the capital, so the impact on well-being that can not be met by the majority of Indonesian society. As the evaluation and the solution is to have to implement Islamic Economic System Madzhab Hamfara in managing common ownership and possession of the State of Indonesia .


Islamic Economic System Madzhab Hamfara, Common Wealth (Milkiyah ' ammah), State Property ( Milkiyah Daulah)

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