Journal Title | : Abrahamic Religions: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama |
ISSN | : 2797-6440 (Online)| 2797-7722 (Print) |
DOI Prefix | : Prefix 10.22373 by Crossref |
Editor in Chief | : Dr. Mawardi, S.Th.I., MA |
Managing Editor | : Khairil Fazal, S.Th.I., M.Ag |
Publisher | : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, Banda Aceh |
Frequency | : 2 issues per year (March and September) |
In Collaboration | : Asosiasi Studi Agama Indonesia (ASAI) |
Citation Analysis | : Sinta 3|Garuda|Google Scholar|Moraref |
Abrahamic Religions: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama publishes articles on religious studies from various perspectives, covering both literary and fieldwork studies. Abrahamic Religions: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama emphasizes aspects related to religious studies, especially in Indonesia and Southeast Asian contexts, with special reference to culture, society, history, and doctrines.
Abrahamic Religions: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama emphasizes research papers in the field of 1) Sociology of Religion, 2) Anthropology of Religion, 3) History of Religion, 4) World Religions, and 5) Indigenous Religion. Then, an Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach may include the studies of religion in the field of anthropology, sociology and other cultural studies.
Secretariat: Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, UIN Ar-Raniry. Syaikh Abdul Rauf Street, Kopelma Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia. Postal Code: 23111. Email:

Abrahamic Advances to SINTA 3 in National Accreditation Ranking |
We are pleased to announce that Abrahamic Religions: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama has been officially accredited at SINTA 3 based on Decree No. 10/C/C3/DT.05.00/2025 issued by the Director General of Research and Development, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, on March 21, 2025. This accreditation is valid from Volume 4 Issue 2 (2024) to Volume 9 Issue 1 (2029). We extend our highest appreciation to all authors, peer reviewers, and the editorial team for their dedication and contributions in upholding academic standards and ensuring the quality of our scientific publications. We hope this achievement will serve as motivation for us to continuously enhance the quality, professionalism, and academic integrity of our journal. Best regards, Editor in Chief |
Posted: 2025-03-24 | |
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Vol 5, No 1 (2025)
Table of Contents
Miftahul Khairani, Ahmed Fernanda Desky
Marsella Marsella, Lalu Turjiman
Nazilatur Rohmah
Abdul Amin, Hafid Hudin, Lukmanul Hakim, Moch. Riza Fahmi, Didi Darmadi, Sumin Sumin
Abdul Majid, Avafudin Avafudin
M. Febriyanto Firman Wijaya, Ahmad Ghozi Al Afnan