Riza Zulyani


This study aims to know the correlation between the results of making mind mapping with the learning outcomes of students. The population used in this study were all students of the Department of Chemistry Education UIN Ar-Raniry angkatan 2010 as many as 49 students, while a sample is a student of Chemical Education UIN Ar-Raniry unit I 2010 as many as 28 students. The data was collected through observation sheets, tests, questionnaires and rubrics of mind mapping. The data obtained were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation formula that results of the data processed using SPSS 16. The results showed an increase in activity and the students seemed enthusiastic students participating in learning activities. The percentage of active students at the first meeting at 73.86% and 93.18% in the second meeting. Student learning outcomes with the used of mind mapping in the classical methods achieve mastery of 89.29%. Percentage of students who gave positive responses to the use of mind mapping method reaches 82.15%. The results showed that: (1) There is a positive relationship between the results of making mind mapping the learning outcomes of students in the material paper chromatography.

Keywords: Mind mapping; Learning Outcomes; Paper Chromatography

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