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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Article Submission

Jurnal Ilmiah Didaktika publishes two editions annually in August and February in which the article for the August issue must be submitted at the end of March, and the article for the February issue must be submitted at the end of September each year. Any articles submitted in this journal should be scientific (research articles), original, and have not been previously published and is not currently being considered for publication by another journal or media. The journal presents research and development in the field of teaching and learning.

The article is written in English which fulfills the criteria of good and correct writing. Submitted articles should normally range from 3,000 to 6,000 words in A4 size paper with margins as the following: top 3 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, right 3 cm, and left 2.5 cm. The font is Times New Roman, size 12 and single-spaced, typed in MS-Word.

The manuscript is submitted through the Online Journal System (OJS) portal. Authors must register their account to this journal at before submitting their work.

The articles include a title, the author(s’) name(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address, abstract, keywords, introduction, research method,  discussion,  conclusion, and references.

The title of the article submitted to this journal should reflect a specific focus of study; it should be concise (not exceed 16 words) and may consist of subtitles (must not exceed 14 syllables).

The author's name on the title page contains the name without an (academic) title.

The author's institution or affiliation is written in italic,  followed by  e-mail address

The abstract should not be more than 250 words, providing overall purposes of the study,  the research method, and the main findings. The abstract should be italicized.

Keywords should mention only specific concepts (word or phrase) 3-5 concepts, truly conceptual words, and not too general ones. Each keyword is separated by commas,  written in italic.

The introduction section should provide clear information on the scope, context, and significance of the study by summarizing current understanding and background information about the topic, stating the study aims, and emphasizing the research problem. It also examines the research’s relationship with other researches and relevant literature reviews (state of the art).

Research Method provides sufficient information on the research approach (including population and sampling for quantitative research, and data sources for qualitative research), data collection technique, and data analysis technique.  

Discussion is reported systematically by connecting to the research problem in the introduction. The theories or literature reviews should also be included in this section.

The conclusion should address the research problem signaled in the introduction section. It is written descriptively into paragraphs.

The article is written using a footnote, as the following rules: 

Footnote consists of the author's name, the title of book/journal, city of the publisher, publisher, year, page. All these items are separated by commas, excluding the publisher's place which is separated by a colon ( : ). English article also applies this format. See the following examples:


1Abdul Hafizh Dasuni, The Pondok Pesantren: An Account of Its Development In Independent Indonesia (1965-1973), Montreal: McGill University, 1974, p. 25.


1Mawardi, “Hubungan antara Dosen dan Asisten Dosen dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran di IAIN Ar-Raniry”, Jurnal Ilmiah Didaktika,9(1), 2010, p.7


1Abdul Syukur, “Karakteristik Pendidik Menurut Al-Qur’an”,Thesis, Banda Aceh: IAIN Ar-Raniry,2002, p.67.


1Tantangan  Pendidikan Pada Era Milenium III”,Gatra, No.151, Februari,1999, p. 9.


 1Pendidikan Karakter Perlu Digalakkan”,Serambi Indonesia,10 June 2007.

Internet source:

1P.Swepson, “Action Research: Understanding Its Philosophy Can Improve Your Practice”,, accessed on l3/11/2007.

If the reference refers to the previous source, then it is just written by providing the author’s name, 2-3 words of the title of journal/book/magazine ended with 3 commas followed by page.


1Abdul Hafizh Dasuni, The Pondok Pesantren:..., p.56.

1Mawardi, “Hubungan antara...”, p. 8.


  1. Reference is written alphabetically by arranging the author's name, the title of book/journal, city of the publisher, publisher, year. Those items are separated by comma (,), except for publisher in which is separated by a colon (:) after it. 
  2. The title of books should be italic.
  3. If the reference refers to the same author but a different book, then the next author’s name is just written by using the seven-tap dotted lines.
  4. For journals, the pages’ range is written completely after the publication year.  Example: page 23-45 (this informs that the first page of the article is page 23, and the last page is page 45. For books, no need to mention the pages.

The article accepted  by the editorial board is classified into:

  1. Accepted without revision
  2. Accepted with revision
  3. Rejected


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The manuscript (along with the substance) has not been published and is not in the process of publication in other journals or media.
  2. The manuscript follows the Jurnal Ilmiah Didaktika writing style/format and references as indicated in the "author guidelines", which is contained in the section "about the journal"
  3. All references and citations follow the format of Jurnal Ilmiah Didaktika
  4. All citations (citations) are mentioned in the reference section
  5. Manuscript submitted uses 1 space; font letters are typed with 12-pts; using italic (italic) instead of the underscore (except for the url address); and all illustrations, drawings, and tables have been added to the content of the manuscript (not separated)
  6. Manuscript submitted uses Microsoft Word file format (.doc or .docx)
  7. Manuscript submitted has followed the rules in the policy of "blind review," in which the author's name and identifying information associated with the author has been omitted from the manuscript.