Journal History

Jurnal Peurawi is published by the UIN Ar-Raniry Postgraduate Program in Islamic Communication and Broadcasting (S2) in Banda Aceh. This journal is published twice a year in April and October. The Jurnal Peurawi concentrates on communication research, practice, policy, and theory, bringing to its readers the latest, broadest, and most important findings in the field of communication studies. The Jurnal Peurawi also features a book review section and reports on symposia in the field of communication research.

Jurnal Peurawi seeks to contribute to increasing scientific knowledge on Islamic communication and broadcasting, based on open access and combining the science of communication with da'wah. Jurnal Peurawi urges authors to conduct the research that meets both national and international standards, and to publish high-quality work based on this research. Peurawi denotes a person who traces, narrates and interprets information from the prophet to be conveyed to his people. With this symbolic meaning, Peurawi seeks to motivate scholars to publish their research on Islamic communication in the Jurnal Peurawi. The articles published in this journal form an academic attitude that is religious.