Resistance to Economic Oligarchy in the Al-Quran through the Lens of Tafsir Nuzuli

Zakiyan Rifqa, Alfan Shidqon, Noufal P. Tumewu


This article aims to examine the Quran's resistance to economic oligarchy by referencing the interpretations of Surah Al-Humazah and Al-Hashr: 7. Employing the tafsir Nuzuli approach from the perspective of Muhammad Abid al-Jabiri, the article delves into two main issues: Firstly, the review of the tafsir Nuzuli concerning economic principles in Surah Al-Humazah and al-Hashr verse 7. Secondly, the correlation between these verses and their contextualization in relation to economic oligarchy. The study adopts a literature review using a descriptive-analytical method. Based on an analysis of interpretation aspects, sabab nuzul, and the historical context of pre-Islamic Arabia, the study concludes that the verses articulate the Quran's opposition to economic oligarchy. The interpretation of Surah Al-Humazah condemns the propaganda of economic oligarchy perpetrators, specifically a group of pagan Quraisy elites. The interpretation of al-Hashr verse 7 reveals the wealth distribution policy implemented during the Prophet's leadership in Medina based on maslahah, ensuring the avoidance of concentrating wealth exclusively among a select few affluent individuals. The sabab nuzul of these verses, associated with the conditions of pre-Islamic Arabia, elucidates the Quranic vision of economic justice, allowing for its contextualization in the present era.


Al-Quran; Economic Oligarchy; Tafsir Nuzuli

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TAFSE: Journal of Qur’anic Studies, e-ISSN: 2775-5339, p-ISSN: 2620-4185