Culture of "Ratib and Zikir" in Traditional and Modern Dayah Education: Living Qur'an Studies in the West-South Regions of Aceh Province

Tabsyir Masykar


This article explains the living Qur'an culture, namely the texts of the Qur’an that live among muslim and muslimah communities in Islamic boarding schools. This is not only limited to the meaning of the text, but more to the application of the texts of the Qur'an which are practiced in everyday life which is called the living Qur'an. One of the living Qur’an cultures is the reading of Ratib and Zikir in traditional Islamic boarding schools and modern Islamic boarding schools. These practices show significant differences in approach. In traditional Islamic boarding schools, Zikir is often practiced collectively. In contrast, in modern Islamic boarding schools, Zikir is often seen as an individual activity that is more flexible. This difference in approach raises the question of what the living Qur’an cultural practices are, how they are implemented and why the living Qur’an cultural practices are implemented in Dayah traditional and modern Islamic boarding schools in the West-Southregions of Aceh Province in the context of changing times. This research aims to develop the study of the living Qur'an, especially to find out its practice, the process of implementation and the reasons for implementing the cultural practice of the living Qur’an in the traditional and modern Dayah Islamic boarding schools in the South-West regions of Aceh Province Province. This research is field research using descriptive qualitative methods and library research in around 7 Islamic boarding schools in the West-South regions of Aceh Province. Sources of data were obtained through observation, documentation, interviews, questionnaires, with leaders, religious teachers, female students and the surrounding community. From this research it is known that there are many Ratib and Zikir practices such as Ratib al-Hadad, Ratib Athas, Ratib syahir, Ratib Lathif, morning al Ma’surah and evening al Ma’surah, along with how to implement them and the reasons behind the implementation of living Qur’an cultural practices that have been implemented. long lived and entrenched in the traditional and modern Dayah of the southwestern regions of Aceh. The presence of various living Qur’an cultures in the reading of Ratib and Zikir in traditional and modern Islamic boarding schools reflects the rich diversity of spiritual approaches but also contains its own challenges and obstacles in its application. However, this Ratib culture is able to maintain traditions and respond to contemporary challenges in practicing Ratib and Zikir, as well as how these two approaches can complement each other to enrich the spiritual experience of students.


Culture, Living Qur’an, Traditional Dayah, Modern Dayah


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Al-Qur'an and Tafsir Department, 1st Floor, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh Indonesia. Jln. Syeikh Abdul Rauf, Kopelma Darussalam Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Post Code: 

TAFSE: Journal of Qur’anic Studies, e-ISSN: 2775-5339, p-ISSN: 2620-4185