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Journal History

The name of the journal, SHARE, is unique as it is derived from both a financial term and an Islamic term, 'shar'e'. In financial markets, a 'share' is an indivisible unit of capital that expresses the ownership relationship between the company and the shareholder. The income received from owning shares is called a dividend. On the other hand, 'shar'e' is an Arabic word that means Islamic jurisprudence. The religious law of Islam is seen as the expression of God’s command for Muslims and constitutes a system of duties incumbent upon all Muslims by virtue of their religious belief. The combination of these meanings represents the domain on which this journal focuses.

The journal was launched in 2012 and published by the Pusat Pelatihan, Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam (P3EKI) under the auspices of the Shariah Faculty of Ar-Raniry Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN Ar-Raniry) in Banda Aceh. P3EKI managed the journal until Volume 3, Number 1, 2014. Following the institutional transformation and upgrading of IAIN Ar-Raniry to a large-scale university (Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry or UIN Ar-Raniry), the journal was handed over to a newly established faculty within the university, namely, the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business. Thus, starting from Volume 3, Number 2, 2014, the journal has been managed by the faculty's team. Subsequently, the look of the journal and article templates were refreshed, effectively starting from Volume 6 in 2017.