website statistics



Vol 11, No 1 (2022)

Authors' affiliation by country: 1) Indonesia, 2) Malaysia


Vol 10, No 2 (2021)

Authors' affiliation by country: 1) Indonesia, 2) Ethopia, 3) United Kingdom, 4) Turkey

Vol 10, No 1 (2021)

Authors' affiliation by country: 1) Indonesia


Vol 9, No 2 (2020)

Authors' affiliation by country: 1) Indonesia, 2) Nigeria, and 3) United Kingdom



This section offers a comprehensive analysis of scholarly articles sourced from various academic platforms, including thesis defenses, seminars, workshops, and conferences. Each paper is subjected to thorough evaluation by an examiner or editorial board. The collection features academic papers from a wide range of disciplines, with a particular focus on Islamic Economics and Finance. The aim is to disseminate timely research findings that are beneficial to both the academic community and the general public.


"Articles in Press" contains peer-reviewed and accepted articles to be published in the journal's forthcoming issues. When the final article is assigned to an issue of the journal, the "Article in Press" version will be removed from this section and appear in the associated journal issue. Please be aware that "Articles in Press" do not have all bibliographic details available yet. There are three types of "Articles in Press":

  1. Accepted Manuscripts: these are manuscripts that have been selected for publication. They have not been typeset, and the text may change before final publication.
  2. Uncorrected proofs: these are articles that are not yet finalized and will be corrected by the authors. Therefore, the text could change before final publication. Uncorrected proofs may be temporarily unavailable for production reasons.
  3. Corrected proofs: these are articles containing the authors' corrections. The article's content will usually remain unchanged, and possible further modifications are relatively minor. Typically, the only difference with the final published article is that specific issues and page numbers have not yet been assigned.