Muhammad Fakhri Amir, Syahruddin Kadir, Sumarlin Sumarlin


A new chapter in the revolutionary financial era. Technological innovations and developments are leading to a revolution in the financial sector with decentralized systems.. The existence of digital money forces the financial system to switch to services that can serve the development of digital money in the era of society 5.0. From this explanation, this research focuses on whether decentralized finance (DeFi) will be the future financial service of Indonesia? and what the benefits (maslahah) of DeFi are?. The approach taken is a qualitative approach with a type of library research by collecting primary and secondary data sources in the form of documentation from journals, books, and other literature. Then analyzed by descriptive analysis method through data grouping, data display, and conclusions. The results of this study show that DeFi can be one of the financial services in the future because it is in line with technology and the development dimensions of the society 5.0 era and has 5 maslahah including 1) Protecting religion (hifzu al-din), namely being an alternative investment instrument; 2) Protecting the soul (hifzu an-nafs), namely becoming a financial market instrument; 3) Protecting offspring (hifzu al-nasl), namely encouraging income growth; 4) Protecting the mind (hifzu al-‘aql), namely developing human resource potential; 5) Protecting property (hifzu al-maal), namely accommodating sources of income and financing for the benefit of society.


Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Maslahah, Technology, Society 5.0.


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