Analysis of Marketplace and Online Shop Fatwa Contribution to Foster Ethical E-Commerce Environment

Randhy Nugroho, Ely Nurhayati


The growth of digital commerce in the last decade has grown increasingly rapidly, this paper attempts to critically analyse and evaluate the actual role of National Sharia Board-Indonesian Council of Ulama (DSN) fatwa to improve and anticipate ethical business behaviour in marketplace and online shop. This paper focuses on Shopee and Tokopedia as the case study using document analysis as the principal research method. Our analysis found that current contract (akad) implementation of marketplace consignment has substantially fulfilled DSN Fatwa No.114 regarding Sharia marketplace consignment despite the lack of explicit statement on the contract form. Furthermore, our analysis found that Shopee and Tokopedia has deployed several preventive and corrective mechanisms to prevent prohibited transactions forms in Islam such as tadlis (concealment of defect) and ghisy (quality mismatch). However, lack of preventive and corrective mechanisms is found in tanajusy (demand engineering) transactions. This paper suggests that the issuance of fatwa regarding tanajusy transaction would foster healthier business environment to support E-Commerce growth in Indonesia. In addition, the creation of sharia-compliance label option in merchant and shop-level as opposed to product-level may serve as a check and balance mechanism in marketplace transaction.


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