Zakiul Fuady Muhammad Daud


Pawning is part of the tabarru contract, which is not allowed to take advantage of the transaction. The benefits and profits derived from the pawn contract include usury forbidden. Not only prohibiting the practice of usury, Islam also provides a solution that can be an alternative for society when needed. This study aims to analyze the practice of carter contracts and angkat bloe contracts which are indicated by the people of Kuta Makmur Aceh as alternative practices to avoid usury in land pawning contract which they often do. This research is descriptive qualitative research by explaining the substance of the practice of carter and sale lift contracts and analyzing its sharia based on the opinions of both salaf and contemporary jurists. The results of this study indicate that carter contracts are similar to leasing contracts in terms of substance, so that carter contracts are permissible and can be an alternative to avoid usury. While the contract for angkat bloe has similarities with the bai' al-wafa' contract whose law is still debatable by the Fukaha. Based on the Fukaha's argument, the author concludes that the permissibility of a bai' al-wafa' contract and angkat bloe contract similar to it is highly dependent on the substance and intention of implementing it.


carter, angkat bloe, pawn, usury.


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