fuadi fuadi


Indonesia is the largest Moslem population country in the world has regulated halal food supply regulation. In fact, it’s easily found that the halal meat label was not attached to the meat product as well as many slaughterers are not certified as halal.  This study investigates the factors influencing the DOER in halal meat supply to certify their meat as halal food/meat in Aceh, Indonesia. Structured questions interview is applied to collect the data from 150 parties who engaged in halal meat supply in Aceh-Indonesia. Data analysis processed using SEM-PLS with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Variables of Planned Behavior Theory (TPB) and Government regulation on halal food and compliance are applied to predict the behavior of halal certification through intention to certify their product. Eksogen variable; attitude, subjective norm, perceived of behavioral control, halal regulation and compliance influenced the behavior variable through intention. Whereas, intention variable mediated all eksogen variable toward behavior.


TPB; Intention; Halal; Behavior


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