Uli Wildan Nuryanto, Basrowi Basrowi, Basrowi Basrowi, Icin Quraysin, Icin Quraysin, Ika Pratiwi, Ika Pratiwi, Pertiwi Utami, Pertiwi Utami


Sharia economics has a positive view of the rights of people with disabilities and supports them to realize equality and social justice. However, some literature finds evidence that people with disabilities are underrepresented in achieving equality and social justice. Thus, the problems occurring in Indonesia have given rise to several perceptions related to discrimination issues, difficulties in fulfilling the rights of persons with disabilities, and limited accessibility to various sectors that are important to them. This paper aims to investigate a systematic literature review regarding equality and social justice for people with disabilities by studying its practice in Indonesia and connecting its interaction with halal industry-based community empowerment. The systematic review refers to empirical evidence and bibliometric analysis using keywords about equality and social justice, people with disabilities, and Sharia economic empowerment. Tracking using Publish or Perish found at least 1000 scientific publications on the topic for the period 2014 to 2024 and visualized using VosViewer. The findings reveal two important things. First, the inclusion of equality and social justice for people with disabilities has been implemented through several regulations, policies, and superior programs, but it has not yet optimally fulfilled the rights of people with disabilities. Because it faces several big challenges that must be immediately found solutions. Second, empowering people with disabilities uses a Sharia economic empowerment model that focuses on two important things, namely changing negative mindsets and a sharia entrepreneurial approach. These findings also show a substantial decline in this topic during the 2014-2021 period and an increase until 2023 after that


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