Roisyatul Izza, Waspodo Tjipto Subtoro, M. Jacky


Social skills are crucial in students' daily lives, including the ability to communicate effectively, share ideas, collaborate well, and actively participate in community groups. E-Modul is a form of media presentation of self-study teaching materials arranged systematically and presented electronically, developing a social skills e-module focused on maize cultivation. This research can help students develop the necessary skills to interact effectively. This development research aims to produce e-modules based on social skills Corn-Oriented that are valid, practical, and effective. The research method used in this development study follows a development research using a 4D model, consisting of four stages: namely (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop, and (4) disseminate. The subject of this research is the fifth-grade students of Elementary School Gili Barat. The validation results for the validation of the learning design showed an overall score of 82.5%. The average results of the validation scores provided by linguists from linguists, materials experts, and teaching materials design experts were 94.79%. The average score obtained from the questionnaire responses of both teachers and students was 98.69%. In the teacher activity observation sheet results, a perfect score of 100% was recorded, while the student activity observation sheet showed a score of 97.4%. Furthermore, the learning outcomes achieved met the criteria for classical completeness, with a score of 100%. Based on these findings, the development research concludes that the corn-oriented social skills-based e-module is not only valid but also interesting and effective for use in the learning process.


E-Module, Based On Social Skills, Maize-Oriented

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