Mukhlish Muhammad Nur


This study aims to identify challenges, solutions, and strategies for the development of productive waqf in Aceh Province. The research methodology involved in-depth interviews with waqf experts and practitioners, supplemented by the use of questionnaires as primary data. The data were analyzed using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) approach with the assistance of Super Decision software. The analysis revealed several key challenges in productive waqf development, including issues related to waqif, the role of nazhir, allocation of waqf assets, waqf declarations, and relevant regulations. Nazhir was identified as a key factor in productive waqf development. This issue is addressed by enhancing professionalism and selecting suitable nazhirs. Other challenges identified include low waqf literacy, insufficient funds for management, lack of waqf certificates, less attractive economic value, and insufficient synergy among waqf regulators. The primary solutions proposed include education and socialization about productive waqf among the community, enhancing the productivity of waqf assets, improving documentation related to waqf declarations, innovating waqf projects, and strengthening coordination with relevant institutions. The recommended implementation strategy involves maximizing the role of Baitul Mal Aceh in productive waqf development..


Productive Waqf; Management; ANP


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