Psikoislamedia : Jurnal Psikologi


Journal title
DOI Prefix
Type of peer-review
Editors in Chief
Managing Editor 
: Psikoislamedia: Jurnal Psikologi
2503-3611 (Print)| 2548-4044(Online)
10.22373/psikoislamedia by Crossref
: Double-blind
: 2 issues/year (April & October)
: Assoc. Dr. Safrilsyah, S.Ag., M.Si.
: Dr. Miftahul Jannah, M.Si.
: Faculty of Psychology UIN Ar-Raniry

PSIKOISLAMEDIA Jurnal Psikologi (PJP) is a national, double-blind peer-reviewed, and open-access journal published by the Psychology Faculty of Ar Raniry Islamic State University in Indonesia. PJP was first published in April 2016 with the aim of contributing to the development of psychology knowledge by publishing high-quality psychology articles. The journal focuses on Islamic psychology but also welcomes research in other fields of psychology, including Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and Disaster Psychology.

PJP provides an academic platform for professionals, researchers, academics, and students, both nationally and internationally, to publish their work. The journal accepts original, unpublished, and full-length articles that reflect the latest research, expert opinions, and review papers on the development of concepts in both theoretical and practical aspects of psychology.


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